Right Hand Relationship Map™

Five Components of the Right Hand Relationships Map

Getting the Right Hand Right is different for you than it would be for someone else. Use this Map as a framework to ask yourselves the right questions. The goal is to create a custom Map that is exactly right for your situation, and then modify as needed when circumstances and people change. One size does not fit all.


Who does what? Avoid stepping on each other's toes by specifying which tasks will be done by the CEO, the Right Hand, or someone else. Spelling out functional responsibilities, level, and desired impact on the business saves everybody time and reduces frustration.


Who talks to whom? Increase alignment and minimize company-wide confusion by creating a talking tool to show when and how the CEO and Right Hand will interact with shareholders, board members, financial advisors, bankers, other executives, and employees.


Who decides what? Clarify authority by defining which financial, legal, and other decisions the Right Hand can make themselves, when they need to consult the CEO, and when the CEO should decide. A good decision matrix empowers the Right Hand and safeguards the CEO.


What data to whom and how often? Both parties need to share information, monitor results, and be aligned on which results matter. Trust and delegation work best with the right data flow, so everybody can sleep at night.


Who shows up where and when? Articulate your needs and commit to show up for each other. Right Hands and CEOs who sync expectations about availability, work location, and work hours do better than those who assume these things are obvious.


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